Work packages
– The WP1 (Project management and coordination) is allocated to overall project management and coordination. It also includes tasks of financial management, supervision of all activities related to early stage researchers (ESRs), analysis of quality of measures applied, and monitoring of gender aspects.
– The WP2 (Dissemination and exploitation of the results) is allocated to dissemination and promotion of the results during the lifetime of the project and afterwards. IPR management is also included in WP2.
– The WP3 (Twinning expertise) directly targets transfer of knowledge and expertise to FTM by short-term staff exchange (STSE) missions, site expert visits (SEV) and joint mentoring and supervision activities of ESRs at FTM. The WP3 includes also activities aimed at improving skills in research project management. WP3 might be considered as giving the tools for specific, more individual expertise to be twinned specifically focusing on ESRs at FTM and directly increasing the scientific excellence of FTM and its capacity to compete for research funding.
– The WP4 (Integrating knowledge into the local setting) comprises interactions of the project with local partners (School of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, IMGGE, INEP, IBISS, the Oncology Institute of Vojvodina and other relevant institutions for biological and clinical studies, and Innovation Center FTM for transfer of the research results to practical utilization, development of start-ups and industrial cooperation) to ensure integration of the twinned knowledge into the local S&T as well as industrial settings and build a viable ecosystem around FTM. WP4 also includes interactions with the industrial stakeholders (pharmaceutical and biomedical companies) addressing the innovation potential analysis in the area of biomaterials with regard to translation prospective to medical products. FTM staff is actively involved in operations of IC FTM and this, in conjunction with collaboration with partners in life sciences, makes a unique opportunity to catalyze the S&T competence development in the area of biomaterials utilization for medical devices within the short-term.
– The WP5 (Widening knowledge) integrates training and skills transferring activities, which are directed to a larger scientific audience, by a biomaterials workshop, summer schools and the ExcellMater conference. Tasks in WP5 are specifically optimized to cover all critical knowledge taking into account that these events will be also tailored to different participants. WP5 might be considered as giving the tools for widening the knowledge to many recipients, influencing scientific, social and economic life in Serbia.
– The WP6 (Ethics) sets out the ethics requirements that the project must comply with.