ExcellMater Biomaterials Workshop
Workshop on the routes to clinical utilization of novel biomaterials for medical devices

Participation in the workshop is open, but prior registration is required by sending an electronic application to the address with with the title: Registration for the workshop.
A workshop on research management and administration will be provided to interested research and administrative staff of FTM and Innovation Center FTM by the experts from AALTO and ARI as a continuation of the Seminar on proposal writing. The workshop aims to provide “hands on” approach to proposal writing:
– The workshop on research management and administration will be held in spring 2022 at FTM in Belgrade.
A specialized workshop related to translation of research results on novel biomaterials to clinical applications will be organized for researchers at FTM as well as local and international partners:
– Workshop on the routes to clinical utilization of novel biomaterials for medical devices will be held during the first week of October 2022 at FTM in Belgrade