Participants in the ExcellMater project have presented their results at the 23nd Annual Conference on Material Science, YUCOMAT 2022, held in Herceg Novi, Montenegro, August 29 – September 2, 2022.…

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At the Elmina 2022 conference, participants of the ExcellMater project presented the following works in the form of a poster presentation:Influence of Post-Synthesis Treatments on the Properties of Brushite/Monetite Powders,…

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Prof. Bojana Obradovic talks about science, professional experiences and the ExcellMater and PREMUROSA projects in the TV series "Science is in fashion" (Nauka je u modi), RTS

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Bojana Obradovic and Jasmina Stojkovska have visited the University of Eastern Piedmont “Amedeo Avogadro” (UPO) in Italy in the period May 17 – 21, 2022, within the site expert visits…

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Bojana Obradovic and Jasmina Stojkovska are visiting the University of Eastern Piedmont “Amedeo Avogadro” (UPO) in Italy as site expert visits planned in the project. They will present the ExcellMater…

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