You are currently viewing ExcellMater Biomaterials Workshop: on the route to faster medical utilization of novel biomaterials

The ExcellMater Workshop on the routes to clinical utilization of novel biomaterials for medical devices, held on September 28-30 at FTM, has attracted significant attention of the local scientific community particularly FTM partners in the area of life sciences. Over 40 participants attended the workshop coming from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković, Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy (INEP), and National Institute for Medical Research along with researchers from FTM and ICFTM.

Prof. Petar Uskoković

Mr. Luciano Catani

At the opening ceremony, after the welcome speech of Prof. Petar Uskoković, Dean of FTM, it was a privilege to have Mr. Luciano Catani, Science Attaché at the Embassy of Italy in Belgrade greeting the participants. Mr. Catani has expressed satisfaction that UPO is participating in the ExcellMater project and optimism that the scientific collaboration between Italian and Serbian scientists will further strengthen in the next period.

During 3 days of the workshop, various topics related to biomaterials research and utilization were covered particularly addressing translational research, regulatory aspects for medical devices and routes to commercialization. Significant numbers of participants were ESRs who had the opportunity to discuss their research results with Prof. Michael Gasik with regard to potentials for translation to medical practice.

At the closing ceremony, the ESRs obtained certificates of attendance.

The overall impressions of the workshop were that it was very attractive and useful.

Take a look at the atmosphere!


Prof. Bojana Obradović presenting the ExcellMater project

Prof. Lia Rimondini

Prof. Annalisa Chiocchetti

Dr Andrea Cochis

Prof. Michael Gasik

Dr Sibylle Grad