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Professors at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy (FTM) Melina Kalagasidis Krušić, Bojana Obradović, Rada Petrović, and Vesna Radojević have visited the Aalto University (AALTO) in Helsinki during the second week of December, 2022.

The visit was organized by Prof. Michael Gasik (AALTO) and comprised a tour around the campus as well as visits and meetings at the School of Chemical Engineering. There, at a round table meeting, experiences and possibilities for collaboration were explored as Prof. Kristiina Kruus, Dean of the School, and Prof. Ville Alopaeus, Head of the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, presented the history, organization and ongoing activities at AALTO, while Prof. Melina Kalagasidis Krušić, Vice-Dean of FTM, presented the University of Belgrade and FTM. Also, at the meeting, Prof. Bojana Obradović presented the ExcellMater project and experiences were exchanged with Prof. Ari Jokilaakso who overviewed the Horizon Europe project Sustainable processing of Europe’s low-grade sulphidic and lateritic nickel/cobalt ores and tailings into battery-grade metals – ENICON in which he is participating. The FTM group also discussed ExcellMater ongoing administrative tasks with the Senior Grant Writer Outi Söderberg and the Project Manager Terhi Ylöstalo at the Aalto Research and Innovation Services.

Prof. Kristiina Kruus presenting the School of Chemical Engineering

Prof. Bojana Obradović and Prof. Melina Kalagasidis Krušić presenting the ExcellMater project and the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy and the University of Belgrade

Round table discussions at the School of Chemical Engineering

Prof. Michael Gasik lead the tour around laboratories at the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, while Dr Katarina Dimić-Mišić has shown facilities for determination of rheological behavior of biopolymer solutions and suspensions in of the Biopolymer Chemistry and Engineering Group at the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems. Prof. Michael Hummel, Head of the Group and Director of the Bioinnovation Center, has shown facilities for the research on production of bio-based carbon materials and biopolymer-based fibers and yarns for functionalized textiles. Especially interesting was the story of the Ioncell® technology for production of ecological textile fibers from cellulose in waste materials such as used textiles that is in the process of commercialization. The gown made of birch-based Ioncell® fiber, designed and produced by a multidisciplinary Aalto team was worn by First Lady Jenni Haukio at the Independence Day Ball in 2018.

Prof. Michael Gasik showing equipment and ongoing research at the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering

Prof. Michael Hummel showing materials produced in the Biopolymer Chemistry and Engineering Group

One day was devoted to visiting the Biomedicum Helsinki and the Terkko Health Hub providing comprehension of the approaches to translate biomedical research to clinical practice and life science, medical and pharmaceutical industries. The Biomedicum Helsinki is the center for medical research and training supporting researchers and staff of the University of Helsinki, Helsinki University Central Hospital, the National Institute of Health and Welfare, the Folkhälsan Research Center and the Minerva Foundation. Terkko Health Hub is a startup community supporting and promoting health and life sciences entrepreneurship. The FTM group was welcomed by Liina Laukkanen, Community and Program Manager, who explained the mission, structure and operation of the Hub. The meeting also provided the possibility to discuss approaches for introduction of certain Terkko practices to the FTM community.

Meeting at the Terkko Health Hub with Liina Laukkanen, Community and Program Manager

At the Terkko Health Hub

During some free time, the hosts Michael Gasik, Katarina Dimić-Mišić and Alexandra Zühlke took the FTM group around Helsinki, which is beautifully decorated for the upcoming holidays.

Overall, the visit was very motivating and useful with prospects of widening collaboration between FTM and AALTO, while, in the same time, it was pleasant, friendly and warmly welcomed.

Take a look at the short video: