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Radna nedelјa za učesnike Ekcellmater projekta

Jelena Petrović, Mia Milosević i Ivana Banicević su učestvovale na Tumor Microenvironment Meeting & 3D Model Workshop, održanom u Notingemu, Velika Britanija, 6-8, septembra 2023. godine.

Britansko udruženje za istraživanje tumora je organizovalo ovaj događaj pružajući priliku učesnicima da saznaju o interakcijama tumora sa vaskularnim, imunološkim i stromalnim tkivom, ulozi hipoksije i ulozi tumorskog mikrookruženja u metastazama.

Takođe, događaj je bio mesto sastanka za učesnike da predstave svoja istraživanja i upoznaju kolege istraživače. Jelena, Mia i Ivana su prezentovale svoja istraživanja u okviru poster sesija.

Mia i Jelena ispred njihovih postera: Chemical engineering analysis of hydrodynamic conditions in a biomimetic 3D in vitro osteosarcoma model i Alginate microfibers with immobilized cells as a 3D in vitro model for anticancer drug testing: Demonstration in osteosarcoma cell cultures.

Ivana Banićević ispred svog postera 3D in vitro osteosarcoma model based on biomimetic scaffolds and perfusion bioreactor supports in vivo-like osteosarcoma cell behaviour.

Povezivanje istraživača tokom konferencije.

Andjela Radisavljević, Jovana Zvicer i Maja Marković su trenutno na AO Istraživačkom institutu Davos u okviru dvomesečnih kratkoročnih razmena osoblja i takođe prisustvuju 33. godišnjoj konferenciji Evropskog društva za Biomaterijale, ESB 2023, koja se održava u Davos, Švajcarska, 4-8, septembar 2023. godine.

They were accompanied with Bojana Obradovic and Jasmina Stojkovska from FTM, while they also met with the participants from the ExcellMater partnering institutions: Mauro Alini, Sibylle Grad, Lia Rimondini and Andrea Cochis.

Andjela, Jovana, Maja and Jasmina had poster presentations while Bojana introduced perfusion based 3D cell cultures in an oral presentation.

Andjela in front of her poster Electrospinning methods for the production of poly(e-caprolactone) nanofibers for biomedical applications.

Jovana Zvicer in front of her poster Biomimetic Bioreactors as a Tool for More Relevant Biomaterial Assessment.

Maja Markovic in front of her poster Hydrogels based on poly(methacrylic acid) for controlled release of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Jasmina Stojkovska in a lively discussion related tk her poster A direction for reliable osteosarcoma research: a 3D tumour model.

Prof. Bojana Obradovic presenting a talk on Advantages and challenges in development of perfusion-based 3D cell cultures, in the session Engineering of complex in vitro models chaired by Prof. Rui Reis and Dr Joaquim Miguel Oliveira.

Prof. Lia Rimondini gave a keynote lecture on 3D cultures for bridging the in vitro – in vivo gap, in a session proposed by the ExcellMater and chaired by Andrea Cochis and Jasmina Stojkovska.

Finally, FTM researchers participated in a significant number in the 24th YUCOMAT 2023 Conference.

Among variety of materials related topics, the ExcellMater group presented biomaterials based on bioceramics as well as advanced polymer systems for controlled drug delivery.

Vukašin Ugrinović in front of his poster Physically crosslinked poly(methacrylic acid)/gelatin hydrogels.

Tamara Matic has presented work done through ExcellMater project and won the Best Oral Presentation Award at Yucomat2023 Conference! The results presented are a part of her PhD thesis done at Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade in collaboration with Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale under the supervision of prof. Andrea Cochis, prof. Lia Rimondini and prof. Djordje Veljovic.